It is possible that you will be feeling a mix of emotions including anger, fear, loss and sadness, but also in some cases excitement, at what the future may bring. It is important that you know where you can go for support and have the opportunity to discuss your experience. Our Resettlement team is on hand to discuss any concerns you may be having. Besides the professional help, the support resettlement clients offer one another has proved to be very valuable as well:

It was a good opportunity to listen to how other people have adjusted and progressed. Also it was a chance to take note of early pitfalls and mistakes on resettling in England. 

Ex-prisoner, Canada

Being deported can mean that you have an opportunity to positively rebuild, but before that can happen, you may need to come to terms with what you are losing. For example, you may not be able to see your friends and family for a long time and this may be difficult for you to deal with. We have produced an information sheet focusing on Separation and Loss.

We have also produced an information booklet which focuses on the emotional impact of change. You can talk to the Resettlement team about other support available in the UK and how you can access support. To find out more about taking care of your emotional and physical health please read through our Medical Information Sheet.

You also may find it helpful to look at our helpful organisations page.

Next page: Applying for work with a criminal record